Home Business Top 10 LinkedIn Marketing Tips

Top 10 LinkedIn Marketing Tips

by emily joyce

Will you agree with the fact that LinkedIn is one of the largest professional networks? You agree right. LinkedIn is an amazing platform for every business, not just to promote their products or services. But, to establish their connection around the globe and build potential relationships.

Do you know, LinkedIn has been around longer than other social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Twitter? yes, it is one of the oldest social media platforms. It is even more relevant now than before.

What made LinkedIn special from other professional platforms? The answer is simple. LinkedIn hosts over 500 million professional profiles with a wide range of network connection with your friends or relevant group. Right from applying a new job post to managing your business, LinkedIn is a full-fledged professional platform for any business these days.

Reasons to choose a LinkedIn platform

  • LinkedIn is the largest professional n/w around the globe.
  • When someone browses your profile on Google, your LinkedIn profile can be shown on the first page. Therefore, your profile is gaining the advantage of robust Google juice.
  • There are many people who might be researching for your profile. LinkedIn provides you with a great opportunity to organize who you are? What is your brand? What kind of services or products do you offer? and more. Sometimes, people will be more enthusiastic to know about you and your brand. Generally, people search for your brand before purchasing it.
  • LinkedIn offers with quality and invaluable resources. Also, helps your brand to expand by offering relevant connection and expertise.    

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for advertising your brand, skills, experience, etc. This is an incredible manner of generating new traffic and leads to your website.

Following are hand-picked top 10 LinkedIn marketing techniques and tips. These will help to boost your profile and develop a genuine and effective presence in LinkedIn.

Create a personal LinkedIn account

Wondering about getting started with a personal profile than a business profile? Because people don’t like to do business directly with a brand. They prefer to do with an individual person – be it owner or an employee.

While creating a personal profile, keep an eye on email id. This is important to ensure receipt of relevant connection requests, emails, messages, etc. Additionally, include demographic details – location. Make sure to add your phone number. As soon as creating an account start adding connections by allowing a LinkedIn profile to access your contact list from email.

Being professional provides various benefits. Therefore, adding a professional photo can boost your profile. Use a profile picture of 200X200 pixels. Concentrate on your overall experience. Because your professional experience can reflect everything that you can do further. Take time for including professional skills (minimum 5 skills). Include educational background information – school to masters.

Add an attractive headline for your profile. Because headline really matters!! Also. it’s a great opportunity to make a first impression.

Connect with everyone

Now you’ve created profile successfully on LinkedIn. What next? It’s time to add an authentic and relevant connection. How many connections do you have currently? If you don’t have a good number of connections. Then, you might be losing something big. The connections can speak a lot – how well and relevant you are connected?

Many people are confused about connections. Do you want to connect with everyone on LinkedIn? or connect with friends? or connect with an entrepreneur? No more confusion!! Depending on the strategy, choose the connection and send an invite.

If you’re new to LinkedIn, introduce yourself with live networking. Therefore, you can gain a number of connections. Expand your network by accepting and inviting others.

Join relevant groups

Want more leads? Want to expand your network? Have you ever thought about LinkedIn groups? Become an active participant in the LinkedIn group and expand your online networking. The connection which you make at LinkedIn groups can enhance the authority and generate new traffic to your profile.

There are 2.1 million groups created for discussion. Start building a professional network for your business.

Find the relevant and right group. By using LinkedIn search functionality, you can drill down. There are many groups in LinkedIn. Thus, find the right group and join that fits your requirement.

Introduce yourself with an amazing post – professional background, profession, objective and goal. Then, start contributing a post to engage with group members.

Optimize your LinkedIn account for SEO

LinkedIn SEO can be the initial step to getting recognised by many business professionals. If your a business owner planning to take your business to the next level or a job seeker. Optimizing your LinkedIn profile in the right way will let you closer to achieve your objective and goal.

  • Use small and large-tail keyword wisely
  • Grow your network by connecting to the right person
  • Add a link to your blog or website. Backlinks are important to drive traffic and establish authority
  • Write an amazing summary and headline
  • Publish content regularly
  • Name your images by providing ALT tags

Be compelling

There are more than 500 million LinkedIn profiles so far. As per the analysis, over 350 million profiles are very boring and don’t update content regularly. They show neither personality nor compelling attributes in their profiles. Doesn’t sound boring.

Usually, people look for compelling profiles. To gain everyone attention, start writing interesting stories. Add video recommendations as a pop-up, make sure the video shouldn’t exceed more than 10 seconds. Tell them about your own story – who you are? what do you do? how do you help? what strategies do you follow? Show people a proper way when they visit your LinkedIn profile.

Use visual content

Want to stand out from the crowd? Introduce multimedia content to your LinkedIn profile. Humans are most likely visual creatures. People can remember a visual after viewing the image for 13 milliseconds. Can’t believe right! Build an attractive visual content and gain maximum engagements.

No matter how quality your content might be, the performance cannot be paired up with dynamic multimedia content.

A customer will more likely to research product information, review before purchasing that product online. As per marketing reports, over 77% of LinkedIn users use the platform to research people. To gain more traffic, use multimedia content in your profile. That can easily grab attention towards your profile. Also, showcase the profile to your expertise.

Connect with people you previously know

When you publish a post on social media, your friends and colleagues will be more interested. They start commenting and share your post with other friends in their network. Hence, Your post will receive maximum engagements.

Friends will likely engage with your visuals, content than others. Allowing your profile to boost the engagement of your posts quickly. It acts in a simple way – more popular a post is, the more engagement it can generate.

Participate in group discussion

The focus of LinkedIn groups – participate in group discussion and start conversations with active group members. This can help your business grow. Maintain a positive relationship with group members. It can aid in a job posting, finding answers, sharing your content, accepting professional connections and making business effectively.

LinkedIn groups can be a one-stop destination for professionals in the similar industry. Sometimes, a person with the same interest to post content, looking for answers, view a new job, etc. Take advantage of these groups.

  • Like and comment on the conversation
  • Give a comment privately to the individual group member
  • Report the post (if you find any spam content)
  • Appreciate each other and give feedback

Introduce smart content

Smart content is the term that has been popping up from the past few years. Most people often get confused between generic and smart content. In simple terms, smart content is “Dynamic Content”. Generic content is a “static content”.

Dynamic content references your automation tools to find out complete information about the customers individually.

It includes:

  • Customer name, age and address
  • Location, email address
  • Interaction with other social media platforms
  • Products customer have purchased from you previously
  • Activities are done on your site
  • Any other important and useful data

This information of customer can greatly be used to personalize your content in multiple ways.

There are many advantages of using smart content in the LinkedIn profiles

  • Enhanced personalization
  • Better targeting
  • Automatic optimization
  • Improved and measurable ROI

Add a LinkedIn badge to your company website

LinkedIn is a well-known professional networking platform for promoting. One of the amazing ways to market your LinkedIn account is just by adding a “LinkedIn badge” to your company website. Yes, you heard it right. This will actually work perfectly.  

If your website is receiving a good amount of traffic, adding “LinkedIn badge” to your website will have a great impact. This allows your company website visitors to access your profile and connect to you.

  • Login to your profile in LinkedIn
  • Choose a badge from the badge page
  • Copy the HTML code
  • Add the code to your company website

LinkedIn is a powerful platform for both individual and marketers. Include lead generation to create brand awareness. Moreover, it is the best way of networking, so building a powerful profile and engaging with your connected members is important.  These techniques must be in your marketing plan.

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