Home Digital How to Delete Chrome Browser Cookies and History

How to Delete Chrome Browser Cookies and History

by jane bryon

Most of the times when you open a website, you would see a message either at top or bottom about privacy policies and cookies. Once you click ok on that particular message, cookies will be stored in your smartphone or desktop. Not only cookies but there are temporary files, browser history that is being stored in your desktop or mobile.

What are cookies?

Cookies are tiny files, which are stored in the user’s computer. These small files hold a certain amount of data about that specific website or client. And this can be viewed from the client computer or website server. These cookies will allow the server to deliver a page tailored specially for the user or client, or the page can contain a script which is aware of data in the cookie, so it carries information from one visit to the website or related website to the next.

Cookies consist of data, particularly about these specific users. These cookies are small lookup tables which consist of information about the client key and other data values such as their name, address etc. when the code on client computer or server reads the cookie, all the data stored in the cookie will be retrieved and it customizes the webpage appropriately for the client.

Cookies carry information conveniently from one session to another session of website visit by the client. It can be within the same site or related sites. They store data without bothering the server machine with data storage issues. Storing the data on servers in easy with cookies, without them it gets hard to retrieve particular user’s information with logging into their account on that website. All their information will be stored within the cookie with their username.

How to view cookies stored on your desktop?

You can view cookies stored on your computer. Browsers have configuration screens, which allow users to view all the cookies stored on their computer. You can click on your settings option, then click on advanced present at the bottom and then you would see all the privacy and security section, click on the content section which will lead to further options, select cookies option and then select “see all cookies and site data”. Once you click on that button a list of websites that stored cookies on your computer will appear.

For safari select preferences in the settings of the Safari menu, then click on the privacy tab and then click on details option in the privacy tab. Once you click on the details option you would see all the websites that stored cookies on your desktop.

But, however, in Andriod or Windows phones, you cannot view cookies stored on your mobiles.

Browsing history is nothing but a record of all the websites that you have visited on your computer. So to delete browsing history and cookies follow the instructions below.

Cookies Deletion

For deleting cookies also the same process in chrome. You can just go to setting and advanced and then click on clear the browsing data. And then select cookies and other site data and click confirm and your cookies are deleted.

Browsing history deletion on Andriod

Step1: click on the three dots present on the corner right of your screen.

Step2: Go to setting and click on the privacy and then tap on clear browsing data option.

Step3: you can select specific data you want to delete or all of it. You can delete it for data at a specific point like a past hour or a day.

Step4: click on the blue clear button to clear your data.

Browsing history deletion on iPhone

Step1: Open settings in your mobile

Step2: Scroll down to Safari, click on clear history and website data and then you would receive a warning message stating that all your history will be lost once you click on the confirm button.

Step3: Click on confirm and all your history is deleted.


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